

  1. In 2023, the company's provincial engineering technology center will be optimized and reorganized into a provincial engineering technology innovation center Engineering Technology Innovation Center

    In December 2023, the company's provincial-level steam system condensate and exhaust steam recovery engineering technology center was optimized and reorganized by the Gansu Provincial Department of Science and Technology into a provincial-level steam system condensate and exhaust steam recovery engineering technology innovation center.

  2. The company was awarded the Gansu Provincial Advanced Enterprise Contribution Award


    The company was awarded the "Advanced Enterprise Contribution Award" by the Gansu Provincial Party Committee and the Provincial Government.

  3. The company's valve research institute (industrial valve design center) was recognized as a provincial industrial design center


    The company's valve research institute (industrial valve design center) was recognized as a provincial industrial design center by the Gansu Provincial Department of Industry and Information Technology.

  4. The company was recognized as a military-civilian integration enterprise in Gansu Province


    The company was recognized by the Office of the Civil-Military Integration Development Committee of the Gansu Provincial Party Committee as the fourth batch of civil-military integration enterprises in the province.

  5. The company was included in the list of "little giant" enterprises that focus on supporting specialized, special and new products


    The company was included in the list of national-level specialized, special and new "little giant" enterprises supported by the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology.

  6. The company has built an automatic suspended electrostatic painting and VOCs treatment production line


    In December 2020, the company built an automatic suspended electrostatic painting and VOCs treatment production line.

  7. The company was recognized as a specialized and new "little giant" enterprise


    In December 2020, the company was recognized by the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology as a specialized and new "little giant" enterprise.

  8. Yang Jianjun, an employee of the company, won the title of "National Model Worker".


    In November 2020, Yang Jianjun, an employee of the company, won the title of "National Model Worker".

  9. The company was rated as a national "green factory"


    In November 2020, the company was rated as a "green factory" by the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology.

  10. The company was awarded the title of "Top 100 Suppliers" in China's petroleum and chemical industry


    In October 2019, the company was awarded the title of "Top 100 Suppliers" in China's petroleum and chemical industry in 2019 at the 6th China Petroleum and Chemical Industry Supply Chain Development Conference and the annual meeting of the Supply Chain Working Committee of China Petrochemical Federation.

  11. The industry standard "Gas Trap Trap" drafted by the company was officially implemented


    On October 1, 2019, the mechanical industry standard "Gas Trap Valve" drafted by the company was officially implemented.

  12. The company has passed the evaluation of the integration of industrialization and industrialization management system


    On October 25, 2018, the company obtained the "Evaluation Certificate of Integration of Industrialization and Industrialization Management System" approved by the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology of the People's Republic of China and issued by China Classification Society, and officially passed the implementation assessment of the integration of industrialization and industrialization management system.

  13. The company participated in the in-depth integration of industrialization and industrialization in Gansu Province, Pingliang Qingyang Station activities


    On April 26, 2017, the company cooperated with the Pingliang Municipal Commission of Industry and Information Technology to undertake the activity of Pingliang Qingyang Station in the integration of industrialization and industrialization in the province sponsored by the Gansu Provincial Commission of Industry and Information Technology.

  14. The company was awarded the "Civilized Unit of Gansu Province"


    In July 2015, the company was awarded the title of "Civilized Unit" by the Gansu Provincial Party Committee and the Provincial Government.

  15. The company was identified as a backbone enterprise of strategic emerging industries in Gansu Province


    In 2015, the company was identified by the Gansu Provincial Government as a backbone enterprise of strategic emerging industries in the province.

  16. The company won the "National May Day Labor Award"


    On April 28, 2014, the company won the "National May Day Labor Award". Liu Jinhai, chairman of the board of directors, was entrusted by the company to rush to Beijing to attend the celebration of the "May Day" International Labor Day and the National May Day Labor Award Commendation Conference together with other representatives of Gansu Province who won the National May Day Labor Award.

  17. The company won the first Pingliang Municipal Government Quality Award


    On March 31, 2014, the Pingliang Municipal Government held a city-wide quality work conference. At this meeting, the company was awarded the first "Pingliang Municipal Government Quality Award".

  18. The company was awarded the "National Advanced Unit of Open and Democratic Management of Factory Affairs"


    In April 2013, the company was awarded the "National Advanced Unit of Open and Democratic Management of Factory Affairs" in the inspection and selection of the national open and democratic management of factory affairs.

  19. In 2011, Gansu Provincial Steam Condensate Automatic Separation and Waste Heat and Pressure Recovery Engineering Laboratory was inaugurated


    In July 2011, the Gansu Provincial Steam Condensate Automatic Separation and Waste Heat and Pressure Recovery Engineering Laboratory established by the company was inaugurated.

  20. The company undertook the "Gansu Province Steam System Industry New Technology, New Product Observation and Exchange Meeting"


    On July 15, 2011, initiated by the Gansu Provincial Commission of Industry and Information Technology and the Gansu Provincial Development and Reform Commission, the company undertook the "Gansu Province Steam System Industry New Technology, New Product Observation and Exchange Meeting" held in Pingliang City, Gansu Province, and held the unveiling ceremony of "Gansu Province Steam Condensate Automatic Separation and Waste Heat and Pressure Recovery Engineering Laboratory" in the company's production area in the afternoon of the same day.

  21. The company held the unveiling ceremony of the "three centers".


    On June 16, 2009, the company held the unveiling ceremony of the provincial enterprise technology center, the Gansu steam condensate recovery engineering technology center and the Hongfeng company-Lanzhou University of Technology Technology R&D center. Relevant leaders of the Provincial Commission of Industry and Information Technology, the Provincial Department of Science and Technology, Lanzhou University of Technology and Pingliang City came to congratulate. The company's leading position in the field of steam and water saving in Gansu Province and even the whole country has been further strengthened.

  22. The company was recognized as a "high-tech enterprise"


    On October 16, 2007, the company was recognized as a "high-tech enterprise" by the Gansu Provincial Department of Science and Technology.

  23. Gansu Hongfeng Machinery Co., Ltd. was inaugurated


    On June 18, 2006, the unveiling meeting of Gansu Hongfeng Machinery Co., Ltd. was held. With this as a sign, Hongfeng Company, which was restructured and reorganized on the basis of the former state-owned Hongfeng Machinery Factory, was officially put into operation.

  24. The company's first party congress was held


    On June 4, 2006, the first party congress of Gansu Hongfeng Machinery Co., Ltd. was held. The meeting elected the first party committee of the company composed of 7 people and the first party discipline inspection committee of the company composed of 5 people.

  25. Comrade Zou Jiahua, former vice chairman of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress, inscribed the name of the company


    On March 20, 2006, the state-owned Hongfeng Machinery Factory was restructured into Gansu Hongfeng Machinery Co., Ltd. as a whole. Comrade Zou Jiahua, former vice premier of the State Council and former vice chairman of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress, inscribed the name of the company.

  26. In 2003, the first set of condensate recovery device developed by Hongfeng Plant was manufactured


    In 2003, the first set of condensate recovery device developed by Hongfeng Plant was manufactured.

  27. Admiral Zhang Aiping inscribed the name of the factory


    In March 1995, on the eve of the 30th anniversary of the establishment of Hongfeng Factory, Comrade Zhang Aiping, the founding general, former vice premier of the State Council, former state councilor and minister of national defense, former deputy secretary general of the Central Military Commission, former deputy chief of general staff and director of the National Defense Science and Technology Commission, and an outstanding leader in China's modern national defense science and technology construction, happily wrote the name of the factory.

  28. "Hongfeng" brand ES series trap passed the appraisal


    On June 8, 1990, the Provincial Office of Science, Technology and Industry for National Defense presided over the "State-owned 92O Factory ES Series Steam Trap Product Appraisal Meeting" in Lanzhou. Experts at the meeting believed that the main performance and indicators of the product fully comply with the relevant standards, and the users reported that the quality was stable, the energy-saving effect was obvious, and it reached the international level of similar products, and agreed to transfer to mass production. Since then, the "Hongfeng" brand steam trap has added ES series to the TB series.

  29. The factory was approved as a large-scale second-class enterprise in the ordnance industry


    On August 1, 1988, the Gansu Provincial Bureau of Statistics issued an announcement on the "Gansu Survey and Statistics" [81], "The State Approved the First Batch of 42 Large Industrial Enterprises in Our Province", and the state-owned Hongfeng Machinery Factory was among them, classified as a second-class enterprise in the ordnance industry according to the industry.

  30. "Hongfeng" brand TB steam trap passed the technical appraisal


    On July 21, 1987, the Gansu Provincial Office of Science, Technology and Industry for National Defense presided over the "Technical Appraisal Meeting of Bimetal Sheet Temperature Adjustment Steam Trap Products of State-owned 92O Factory" in Lanzhou. The meeting believed that the performance of the steam trap products produced by the factory trial production has reached the level of similar products in Japan, in line with China's CVA standard, and the technical data is complete, complete and correct, and at the same time can ensure stable product quality, and has the conditions for mass production.

  31. Comrade Zhu Rongji gave instructions on the introduction of steam trap technology


    In June 1986, at the beginning of the introduction of the "Hongfeng" trap, Comrade Zhu Rongji, then deputy director of the State Economic Commission and later a member of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee and premier of the State Council, gave instructions on the introduction of trap technology in Hongfeng Machinery Factory.

  32. In 1965, the state-owned Hongfeng Machinery Factory (920 Factory), a third-tier military enterprise, was established


    In 1965, builders from all over the country responded to the call of the national third-line construction and gathered in the western suburbs of Pingliang County, Gansu Province to build and establish the state-owned Hongfeng Machinery Factory.